파트너 포털

Random Number Generation

Application Note

Quantum Technologies for 5G

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White Paper

Quantis and Virtualization

White Paper describing the use of Quantis in a virtualization platform such as VMware Player, Oracle Virtual Box and VMware ESXi.

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White Paper

Randomness Extraction for the Quantis TRNG

White Paper describing the concept of randomness extraction and how it is implemented in the Quantis software package.

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White Paper

Randomness Extractor

Technical paper on the choice and implementation of a randomness extractor for the Quantis TRNG.

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Scientific Publication

(Pseudo-) Randomness

Slides of a course taught by Klaus Sutner at Carnegie Mellon University on randomness.

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Scientific Publication

Algorithmic Randomness, Quantum Physics, and Incompleteness

C. S. Calude MCU 2004, LNCS 3354, 1-17 (2005)

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Scientific Publication

Experimental Decoy State Quantum Key Distribution Over 15km

Y. Zhao, B. Qi, X. Ma, H.-K. Lo, L. Qian Physical Review Letters 96, 070502 (2006)

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