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ID900 Time Controller Series

Time-tagging, delay and pattern generation

  • Timestamping and histogramming
  • Delay generation with multi-hit ability
  • Pattern generation
  • 1 GHz counters

The combination of high resolution event timing & correlation, time-to-digital conversion with multi-trigger delay generator is nowadays widely used in physics, bio and material science experiments. The ID900 Time Controller Series is an ideal central platform for such laboratory experiments. It combines the functionalities of several electronic devices into a single and flexible platform: time-tagger, TCSPC module, delay generator, digital conditional filters and counters.

One Series, 3 versions : Delay Generator, TCSPC and MASTER
The ID900 Time Controller Series is a comprehensive, affordable, versatile and scalable series of instruments composed of 3 different main versions:

  • The ID900-TCSPC (time-correlated single-photon counting) offers time-tagging, counting and histograming continuously on 4 input channels, ideal for all applications requiring time resolved and picosecond event tagging
  • The ID900-DG (Delay generator) version offers 4 independent programmable output pulse generators with configurable digital delays and up to 125 MHz repetition rate.
  • The ID900-MASTER provides full TCSPC functionalities with on-board processing and programmable conditional outputs.

Versions are fully upgradable from one to the other. Add-on functionalities such as high-resolution mode, digital processing are available for each version to offer even higher performance to end users.

The ID900 Series hardware platform consists of 4 input and 4 output signals that are interconnected internally via a fast FPGA circuit, which is easily programmable via a dedicated user-friendly interface. This unique architecture allows the user to configure customized logical operations between input signals and generate pulsed signals according to programmed rules and send them back to the experimental setup in real time via the available output ports.

ID900 Features

  • Time-tagging and histogramming
  • Internal timestamps processing (coincidence, filters,etc…)
  • Delay generation with multi-hit ability
  • Pattern generation
  • High-speed counter
  • High precision discriminator (-2 V to +2 V in 1 mV steps)
  • 4 input channels
  • 4 output channels (NIM + LVTTL)
  • High resolution mode: 5.7 ps rms (14 ps FWHM) single channel jitter* and 13 ps bin width
  • 1 GHz counters

* Start-stop or channel to channel timing jitter corresponds to sqrt(2) times the single channel jitter because of the error propagation law.

Single-photon counting systems overview

Introducing the ID900 Series

Photon counting OTDR overview

  • Time correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC)
  • Fluorescence lifetime imaging
  • OTDR
  • Quantum communication
  • Quantum computing
  • Material science